Woman arrested for OUI in Rehoboth based of another’s account

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2019 | Drunk Driving Charges (OUI/DUI) |

Many people in Natick might view the notion of one challenging drunk driving charges to be absurd. After all, how can one dispute such an accusation after law enforcement officials have recorded evidence that shows their blood-alcohol level to be above the legal limit? Such assumptions, however, are often made before all of the facts involved in a case have a chance to come to light. Indeed, there may be many instances where one feels justified in disputing a DUI charge (such as those cases where they were not actually found while driving).

Such an incident recently occurred in Rehoboth, where a woman was arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence and child endangerment. Authorities were notified that a woman left a residence after having consumed alcohol and driven away with her 3-year-old daughter. Officials were dispatched to the scene but were unable to find her vehicle on the road. When they finally did locate it, it was parked in the driveway of the residence from which the initial call to authorities originated. There they found both the woman and the reporting party (whose relationship with the woman was not revealed). He told police that he believed she had been driving under the influence. Subsequent testing did reveal that her BAC was well above the legal limit, and she was taken into custody.

One important detail was missing from this case that would dramatically impact it and others like it: actual proof of driving under the influence (it was not reported if the woman actually admitted to driving her vehicle). Another’s account may not be enough to warrant something as serious as a DUI charge. Those being accused of such an offense without this important element of proof may want to seek the assistance of an experienced attorney.


Middlesex County First District Court building in Framingham